Aurelian Law PLLC and its affiliates (the “Firm”) provides this Privacy Policy, along with its Terms of Use, to explain how we collect, use, and disclose information, why we collect that information, and how it is used.

Aurelian is committed to safeguarding the privacy of information that we collect.  By using this website, you acknowledge receipt of the notice below.


            A.    Directly

When you visit our website (the “Site”) or provide us information through other interactions, such as attending one of our events, applying for a job, or sending us email (collectively, our “Services”), we may collect personal information about you such as your first and last name, address, email address, biographical information, social media identifiers, or phone number (“Personal Information,” as further defined below).

If we provide legal services to you, or if you approach us as potential legal counsel, we may also collect payment card information, information about you and your organization, your specific legal matter, and other related information so we can provide legal services to you.  Do not provide confidential or privileged information to us in the absence of a formal engagement.  If you send confidential or privileged information in the absence of such an engagement, please note that does not create an attorney-client relationship.

In this Privacy Policy, when we use the term “Personal Information”, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked with a natural person or household, directly or indirectly, as defined under applicable laws and regulations.  Personal Information does not include information that is not covered by applicable privacy laws, including that which cannot be reasonably linked to an individual or household, de-identified or aggregated data, or publicly available information.

            B. Automatically

Our Site and Services use technologies, including cookies, to collect certain information about our site traffic for administrative and analytical purposes.  This information may include your IP address, browser type, referring and exit pages, operating system, and dates/times of page views.

We may collect information through the use of third-parties, such as Google Analytics, to help provide us with information about traffic to our Site. Learn more about Google’s Privacy Policy at You can opt-out of having your activity on our Services made available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on for your web browser at

            C. From Third-Parties

We may collect additional information from our partners or vendors, third-party websites, social media platforms, and/or sources providing publicly-available information.  We use this information to provide our Services to you, confirm, enhance, or supplement our existing information about you (e.g., with your consent, background checks for credit and criminal history), help prevent fraud, maintain security, and for marketing, advertising and other business purposes.

We limit the collection of Personal Information to that which is reasonably required to provide our Services and to operate our business.


We may use and process your Personal Information for the following purposes:

·      Providing legal services or exploring a potential attorney-client relationship (although use of our website is for advertising purposes and does not create an attorney-client relationship);

·      Fulfilling your requests for information or other questions;

·      Ensuring efficient operation of the Site;

·      Providing you with information (via the Site, email, or physical mail) that may be of interest to you or your business;

·      Assessing your application for employment;

·      Providing marketing information we think would be of interest, if you have opted in to receiving such communications;

·      Complying with any applicable laws and regulations and responding to lawful requests; and

·      For any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect your Personal Information.

We will retain your Personal Information for as long as needed (i) to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, (ii) to meet our current and future legal obligations, and (iii) to meet our legitimate interests. We do not retain Personal Information longer than is necessary for us to achieve the purposes for which we collected it.

Data may persist in copies made for backup and business continuity purposes for an additional time.


We may disclose information as set forth in this Privacy Policy and in the following circumstances:

·      To third-party service providers or vendors that perform certain functions or services on our behalf (such as professional, consulting, marketing, communications, and business development services).  These third-parties will process this data only for purposes specified by us and will be contractually obligated to meet our obligations under applicable law.

·      Disclosure of your information, including without notice, as required by law or when we believe that such disclosure is necessary in connection with a judicial proceeding or to comply with a court order, law, or regulation applicable to us or the Site; or as we determine to be necessary to protect our property or assert our legal rights or to protect the property or safety of any other person.

·      Protecting the safety and security of users and clients, to prevent fraud, abuse, or unauthorized activities, to protect the rights of ourselves, third-parties, you, or others, including enforcing the terms of our agreements.

·      With your consent.

We may also disclose anonymized or aggregated information that does not identify any individual, without any restriction.  We will not attempt to re-identify any such aggregate information.  Where we share such information, we will ensure that recipients are contractually prohibited from re-identifying such information.


We may send you legal updates, alerts, news, and mailings relating to presentations or events.  For some of these communications, we may use Personal Information we collect about you to help us determine the most relevant information to share with you.  If you opt-out of receiving marketing related messages from us, we may still send you non-marketing messages, such as communications relating to the provision of legal services.  


While using our Services, you may be directed to other third-party websites through links on our Site or by other means.  These other websites may set their own cookies, collect data, or have their own privacy policies and practices.   We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such third-party websites and encourage you to review their privacy.  


Subject to applicable law and your jurisdiction, you may have rights related to your Personal Information, such as the right to access or correct such information.  Please contact us via one of the methods below if you would like to exercise one of these rights.

To protect your privacy and security, we will verify your identity before granting you access or enabling you to make corrections.  We will comply with all valid requests in the time period required under applicable law.  You may have the right to complain to a competent supervisory authority if you feel that we are not complying with our data protection obligations.

Additionally, you may authorize an agent to make a request on your behalf.  To designate an agent, please provide a written and signed document by both you and the agent that authorizes the agent to act on your behalf.  You may also use a power of attorney.  We will still require you to provide information to allow us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information.


To prevent unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, we utilize appropriate physical, technical, and administrative procedures to safeguard this Site and the Personal Information we collect.  Unfortunately, transmission of information through the Internet is never 100% secure.  Although we seek to protect your information as described above, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to the Site or to us, and you transmit such information at your own risk.


Content on this website is not directed at children under the age of 13.  We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13.  If at any time we are informed that a visitor under the age of 13 has submitted information to us through this Site, we will endeavor to delete the information.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your Personal Information, please email us at or call us at 585-542-1200.

Last updated: February 1, 2024.